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Memories - from symbolic to personal


In my work, I use my body as a form of language to investigate the nature of figurative representation and the medium of painting.  Drawing on my background as a modern dancer and biochemist, I question current representations of self, bodies, and contextualization of beauty. Focusing on enlarged self-portraits, chopped bodies, and abstractions of isolated body parts, I capture human expressions and bodily gestures. I use the prolific historical theme of the female nude and turn it upside down portraying large figures that escape the picture frame.  The image surfaces vary from thick paint to washy passages or even bare canvas.  My goal is to create a conversation with the viewer, empower women,  and explore the afterlife of images.  


My painting, drawing, and printing journey was always a significant part of my everyday life.  In this online fine art gallery you can see my current work.  If you would like to purchase my work please contact me (


I value paintings, drawings, and prints as visual arts manifested artistically, culturally, and personally. I am fascinated by people, raw natural materials, the physical body and its existence in time and space. I discover beauty within moving bodies, exploring the interactions with light, form, energy, and means of representation.  It is life itself as it chances to exist that stimulates me to create.  I believe that art reflects and affects life, and as such I am looking to continue my experimentation with the process and materials of making art. For me, art making is about communication, experimentation, and discovery.  It is a way of seeing and living in the world, true to my experiences and intentions. 


With love,


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